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Learning Object Samples

Effective online learning objects develop, activate and deepen student learning
Knowledge & Comprehension I

In this video I go through some examples of learning objects which help develop students' declarative, procedural and affective knowledge. These include drag'n'drop activities, interactive timelines, rollovers and
embedded weblinks.

Knowledge & Comprehension II

Social presence is an important factor for online learning. In lieu of face-to-face learning experiences, blended learning designers can leverage the use of tools such as pedagogical agents, a visible author and polite, conversational language to deepen engagement for the learners. This video demonstrates the use of pedagogical agents to develop students' knowledge and comprehension.

Application & Analysis

When designing learning objects for online delivery it is important that students actively apply their knowledge, skills and attributes to unfamiliar contexts to facilitate cognitive processing.
This video demonstrates how drop-down and multiple choice quizzes and drag'n'drop activities can stimulate active cognitive processing in learners.

Synthesis & Evaluation

In order to activate and extent their learning it is imperative that students use the knowledge, skills and attributes they have developed in meaningful ways. This can be enabled through staking out a contentious position and integrating the perspectives of others through collaborative learning. This video demonstrates how I have used discussion boards, forums and online journals to facilitate the synthesis and evaluation of learning by students.

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